Sunday, March 27, 2011

Not So Long Ago :)

fareha & niena..da VVVIPs in my life..huhu..
niena, jue (already isteri orang) & ain yin :) ex-roomie :)
aida, ika & adeeba..great bunch to hang out with..
kimberly, dora, aida, samantha, dixit (kegilaan semue mase tu..haha..), ariffin & elaine..i can't believe i still remember their names :)
aida & ika..pukul 2 pagi, drama ragut dekat airport..haha.. 
navaa :) we still chat every now n then..really miss all da midnight-chat we had dekat atas tangge sambil minum bubbletea..almost setiap hari kot..haha..
raihana..da havoc-est :p
rindu sangat dekat korang semue :) 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Disaster in Japan :|

most shocking pictures of da recent tsunami..

bile kite tengok gambar2 ni, instantly kite tau how bad da tsunami really's not just about berape million harte yg's more on da thousands of people yg involved..their lives..ikutkan hukum manusia, no one deserves to go through this terrifying experience..sebab kite kan manusie..we break easily..sakit gigi pon dah bole jadi gile..imagine losing everything in one big wave..lagi la kan..tapi kalau ikutkan hukum Allah, ade hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian matter how bad it is..Die tengah 'sampaikan' something dekat kite n we have to learn from this..n it wasn't just a message sent to da japanese, it was a message sent to da whole makes u think, u d end, it doesn't really matter who's winning in a war or how many countries u've bombed because when mother nature as big as this swoops in, no one stands a chance..da next thing u know, u're history..take japan for was a really strong country (still is) n no one wanted to mess with it..but now, even rakyat die nak makan pon susah sebab radiation fear..kesian kot sebab sangat unexpected kan..nonetheless, i sincerely hope n pray that japan will recover soon..insyaAllah..

Pictures That Make U Go 'Awwwhh' + 'Eeeee' :)

i think someone needs to save da hamster..soon..haha..
ini serius geram -_-"
hey! mate tak bukak :s
jari2 itam >.<
cuddles :D
d epitome of cuteness..haha..ya Allahhh..

Baby Emerson Made My Morning :)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A New Level of Pain :|

gigi bongsu nak tumbuh..sakit die honestly sampai tak boleh nak's been going on for a few weeks now tapi before ni tak ade la hari2..but now dah 4 straight days tahan sakit..continuous pain..macam nak tercabut gusi..pipi pon sampai jadi partially numb..macam ade orang cucuk2 your gusi with maximum force..i am perfectly serius :p tak tahu dah nak buat macam mane sekarang..dah makan ubat 4 bijik so far tapi macam tak ade kesan pon..still sakit yg massive jugak..Allah je yg boleh tolong sekarang ni..da interesting part is ade la bace satu doa untuk sakit gigi ni, courtesy of buku doa dato' harun din..syukur alhamdulillah sangat2 sebab setiap kali bace mesti da pain macam hilang..but only for a while though..after setengah jam or so, sakit tu datang balik..then bace lagi doa tu..hilang sekejap sakit..then another round of pain would take place balik shortly after that..well, at least da doa works compared to ubat2 yg dah diconsumed tu..i think da best solution now is to cabut gigi ni terus n only then i can kiss da pain goodbye..huhu..sebab tak tahan sangat sakit mlm tadi, da second thing i did after makan ubat was to google harge tiket balik malaysia..haha..paranoid much? pfft~ but get it removed here will cost me like $10,000! maybe not that much kan tapi a lot memang nekad la nak balik sebab klinik ajeet caj RM450 je k..banyak kot difference die..even campur harge tiket airasia pon it will still be cheaper to get it done in, ok..that was last night punye case..tibe2 azan subuh berkumandang..ceyyy..n it finally knocked some senses into me..

kesimpulannye, mimi..get a life! even though u're in pain pon, but orang lain punye sakit lagi teruk kot..hmm..macam tak layak je nak complain2 (but it really2 hurts! haha)..lagipon exam nak dekat..obviously u're not going anywhere anytime soon :s

Monday, March 21, 2011

Speaking of Timing :|

tadi after klas, pegi la rumah kawan..mase tu stress level agak tinggi la sebab baru habis klas, kene jalan kaki bawah panas terik pulak :s anyway, sambil jalan tu belek2 la notes on stuff yg baru discuss dalam kelas tadi..ceyyy, saje je la nak menambah lagi stress..huhu..sekaliii..dengan tak pasal2 nye pegi jerit, 'eee! benci! benci! benci!' dekat tengah2 jalan..haha..masalahnye, siap pejam mate semue n jerit dgn kuat pulak tu! sampai terkejut kot pakcik yg tengah mesin rumput nearby..berkerut2 muke die..haha..ya Allahhh..malu nye..honestly tak sengaje nak menjerit..ingatkan setakat menjerit dalam hati je..subconsciously terjerit betul2 pulak..hmm..ok..since dah malu, jalan la cepat2 sebab obviously nak lari daripade pakcik tu kan..bile rase macam dah jalan agak jauh tu, memang tergelak la teringat reaction pakcik tu td..haha..sambil gelak2 tu boleh pulak membebel sorang2, 'ya Allah, mimi..peliknye la ko ni menjerit sorang2..tak tau malu ke? mesti pakcik tu ingat ko ni ngong'..then continue gelak lagi..mase tu situation tu agak funny la, konon2..sekaliii..bile pusing2 belakang je, ade orang k! :s ya Allahhh..malunyeee..

moving on..after dah jumpe kawan, balik la rumah..time tengah makan tu, tibe2 terdengar jiran sebelah gaduh2..diorang ni one 'loving couple'..haha..perli pulak kan..neway, diorang ni selalu gaduh n each time pon memang dasyat..sampai jerit2 n baling2 barang semue..memang loud n clear la from my room..tibe2, my friend call..borak2 la dengan die..die cerite la pasal this one girl..apparently, she's not over her ex boyfriend yet..ade one time ni, my friend duduk la belakang perempuan tu time dalam klas n my friend nampak how she was drooling over some pictures of d ex boyfriend yg ade dalam laptop die..bukan la nak busybody kn but da problem is, da girl dah ade boyfriend situation ni agak twisted sikit la..macam kesian je dekat boyfriend baru die tu kan especially because we both know my LOUD response was, 'o my gawsh! this is too much la! just go find another guy to play with, one deserves to be treated that way!'..n suddenly..jengjengjeng..there was sound at all coming from rumah sebelah..ya Allahhh..jiran sebelah ni pon la..suke2 je nak buat assumption..i was on da fon k!! i wasn't screaming at u!! pfft..funny gile la diorang ni! friend memang ketawe gile on da fon when i told her about it..haha..

kesimpulannye, what a day..~ :p

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The King's Speech :)

baru habis tengok cerite the king's was an amazingly beautiful movie..i was truly moved by every second of it..da best part was, cerite ni cerite betul..therefore, it HAPPENED :)

it was about a 'stammered' king, king george vi (ayah to da current queen elizabeth), n his first wartime speech delivery..imagine being a king yg gagap..imagine having thousands of people waiting for u to say something amazing n d only thing that comes out of your mouth is some weird sounds like 'erk, aaa, kirk'..obviously kite akan rase malu dgn rakyat kite kan because how can u demand respect from them when u can't even speak properly? people looked down on him his whole life termasukla both ayah n abang die..there were times where he just gave up on himself, cried in front of his wife n simply 'raged' at everyone around him..fairly understandable reactions coming from a one point he said:
"If I'm king, where's my power? Can I form a government? Can I levy a tax? Declare a war? No! and yet I am the seat of all authority. Why? because the nation believes that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can't speak...I bloody well stammer!
then in walked lionel logue, a brilliant speech therapist who made everything possible..jengjengjeng..fairly old, fairly funny..huhu..this was one of da well-phrased dialogs between them:
King George: Listen to me! Listen to me!
Lionel: Listen to you? By what right?
King George: By divine right if you must, I am your king! 
Lionel: No, you're not. You told me so yourself. You didn't want it. Why should I waste my time listening to you? 
King George: Because I have a right to be heard! I have a voice! 
Lionel: Yes, you do. You have such perseverance, Bertie. You're the bravest man I know. You'll make a bloody good king.

kesimpulan from this movie is, know who u r n overcome your limitations..when you take away people's expectations on you, you might be surprised of what you're capable of doing..insyaAllah :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Cheetah Print Shirt :)

this habit of amik gambar diri sendiri is becoming less n less embarrassing everyday..haha..

kesimpulannye, cheetah print is on everything nowadays..shirts, cardigans, pants, shoes n even aprons..haha..i'm serius..neway, saje je beli sebab nak jugak be a part of the 'frenzy', it was on sale kan..fareha n niena! korang pon patut beli jugak baju ni n we'll deem it as baju sisterhood..haha..hugs~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Phrase of Wisdom :)

"Jika engkau menemukan cela pada seseorang dan engkau hendak mencacinya, maka cacilah dirimu. Kerana celamu lebih banyak darinya"
Umar r.a.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Stuff Untuk Baby Kak Mira + Iwan :D

superbaby! :p
super comfy romper :)
1st baju yg sy beli..huhu..
i love da shirt..haha..
tights + shorts lembu ade ekor..haha..
overall robot + socks yg superrr lembut :p
overall giraffe rambu2..haha..
jeans ni besar sikit..maybe next year baru boleh pakai..tapi baju kemeje tu memang untuk newborn..haha..

kesimpulannye, sy tak sabar nak dapat baby nephew! haha..insyaAllah tak lame lagi..aminnn..they might nmpk mcm besar, but semue ni panjang pembaris pendek je..huhu..xoxo, my future-lovable-cuddly-nephew..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baby Search 2011 :D

ade satu competition baby search dekat mall all over australia now..they r just the cutest bunch ever! these r some of them yg sangat2 cute dalam berape puluh ribu babies entah..huhu..da mothers sampai gaduh2 dengan each other sebab marah baby2 mix compete sekali..siap masuk berite lagi..haha..their babies r amazingly cute..macam no point pon gaduh2..well, enjoy da pictures! :)


in conclusion, how can u choose the winner? they r all super cute! :D xoxo..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Presentation Time! :D

first time wearing this untuk's very comfortable because tak ketat longgar + skirt besar..memang kalau jalan pon suke hati je..tak payah nak cover2..haha..

kesimpulannye, pakai belt dgn kemeje kosong + half lusuh (beli 4 tahun lepas, seriusli :s) can definitely make a difference..n sy pakai semue ni dgn flats hitam je..senang nak jalan n nampak macam simple..i think la..haha..well, u should try it too..especially yg baru start kerje semalam, isnin 28 february 2011! haha..xoxo..