Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life Finally Got Interesting :)

Alhamdulillah, ya Rahman hu ya Rahim..


     1. The time well spent nowadays :p
     2. The strength to actually go for it in the first place
     3. The patience to actually work for it and on it now
     4. Making people understand my random decision
     5.  Each feeling that You make and allow me to feel

Kesimpulan kite hari ni:


Always and always take the time to mengucapkan syukur kpd Allah SWT everyday di atas segale rahmat dan nikmatNya ke atas kite dan keluarge kite..Faham dan amati betul-betul this one basic human nature:

There ARE people out there who are much much more less fortunate than us in so many ways
 ::the list continues on and on::


A problem can be like a river so wide, it swallows you whole..


But ask yourself this: Is my problem more important than life itself?

Note to yourself this: While you're sitting down and worrying about all the wrong things, times fly by..

Now tell yourself this: Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand. What you've been out there searching for forever is in your hands..all these..


When you figure out that you actually have all these, it sure makes your problem seems so small..Therefore, no matter what the world brings you, just cherish what you have and LIVE..

Now I understand the hikmah behind my KFC :) insyaAllah..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sudden Craving~

i suddenly have a mind-numbing-unable-to-breathe kind of 'craving' for this:

the giant white gate which separates malaysia and thailand..for me, it symbolizes:


haha..dramatic sangat statement..but seriously, this is the only thing that i can think about for these past few days..haha..well, ok..bukanla nak cakap yg saye tergile-gilekan structure batu ni :| i am craving for the idea behind it..the ability to break free! 

conclusion: sometimes the right decision is not always the best one!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Need to Calm Down :|

ape saye buat hari ni?

watched a lot of tv + slept a lot of hours

it's honestly funny how i often ask myself this:

if other people can do it, then why can't i?

the answer is simple:

i am me, i am not other people

is my answer disappointing?
to me, not really
to other people, maybe

what exactly do i want?


tak tahu la..i just feel like talking to someone at the moment..tapi bende ni takdela penting sangat sampaikan nak pakse orang untuk dengar my sob stories..huhu..hence, blogging is the next best thing :)


i just wanna be me..i wanna do things that i like..i don't wanna do things that i don't like..if i don't think i can do something in particular, then maybe people should listen and believe for my current state, i can't live up to people's expectations and i don't expect people to live up to mine are you and i am me..if by any chance we become friends and make each other happy, then that is beautiful..if not, we tried and it couldn't be helped.. 

conclusion of the day?

i am officially DEPRESSED