Monday, February 13, 2012

Before Dawn :)

Sometimes you just need somebody to point out how privileged you are..

As a Muslim, I don't believe in luck..I believe in are what you are, where you are because of fate..

Efforts are important because how can you be in your kitchen without walking towards it? flying to your kitchen is an option but you can' can walk that is an effort right there :p

Efforts make something seems possible..

Let's just say..

Your dream is to become the CEO for a world-renowned started off with zero experience, zero credential, zero slowly worked your way up by gaining more experience, more credential, more credibility..then you would face two possible ends..either to get selected as the CEO or to not get selected as the CEO..considering your efforts thus far, you would be eligible for the promotion but fate might defy you such privilege..

When something you wish to happen doesn't happen, what else can you do except to accept it?

Does that mean you're "unluckily fated"? *NO!!!*

That means, Allah is testing you..we might not understand the reason behind it yet but insyaAllah, we'll understand it one day..

You can't shout out loud that you deserve THAT life and not THIS life! It's like questioning your boss why his signature has leverage and yours doesn't :s *LOL*

The bottom line is, who are we to question Allah's limitless 'authority' over our lives? 

We can make a thousand attempts to change anything that is bestowed upon us, but we can't fight against it when it dawns on us..we won't win against fate but we can accept it..

What we can do is too keep making attempts..Dad says, efforts are will never run out of effort..what do you have to lose when you keep on flapping your hands to save yourself from drowning? well, you lose one possibility of dying effortlessly :)

When you know something is wrong, turn your back on it..when you know something is right, strive for it!

Selalu lah bersyukur ke atas segala limpahan rezeki dariNya..

InsyaAllah your efforts will be worthwhile :) Aminnn~

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